Saturday 17 May 2014

Story of Lord Goljyu

Lord Goljyu is famous for delivering quick justice to anyone who comes to him.It is a common belief that if someone has forgotten his way in the mountains of Uttaranchal, Lord Goljyu appears and helps and guides them to their destination.The person shouldn't forget saying to say thank-you to him.
Chitai Temple at Almora

The present article is about the story of Goljyu and is as follows:

The Katyri King Jhalrav had once gone hunting in Champawat (area around the Kali river). He decided to take a break and rest in the nearby village of Duba-Chaura. In the village he saw two bulls fighting,he tried but couldn't separate the fighting bulls. Meanwhile he ordered his servant to get some water  to quench his thirst.

The servant found water in an Ashram where he saw a young ascetic woman deep in meditation. 
Her meditation broke (due to servant's requests for water for the King) and she told the him that the servant of a King who cannot separate two fighting bulls is of no use.He was astonished to know that the young ascetic woman knew about the fighting bulls and requested her to come to the King.

On reaching the place where the King was resting the young ascetic woman separated the two fighting bulls by their horns, much to everyone's surprise. The King fell in love with beautiful ascetic woman and expressed her desire to marry her. She introduced herself as Princess Kali (daughter of the King (possibly King of Nepal as Kali river flows between Champawat and Nepal).She introduced the king to her Uncle who was an Albino.The King ,after serving the Albino asked Princess Kali's hand for marriage and the proposal was accepted by her Uncle. 

In time, Princess Kali conceived. The King was very excited about the same. On the day of the delivery he ordered her other queens to ring a bell, when the baby is delivered so that he could come inside.The other queens had been very jealous of Kali and rung the bell before the baby was actually delivered.The King came inside and when he saw that the delivery is not complete, he went for the inspection of his town and decided to come in some time. Meanwhile the baby was delivered by Princess Kali, the Queens decided to kill the baby by keeping the newly born in a cage filled with salt. But dramatically, all the salt was converted into sugar and  the baby fed on the same.When the Queens saw that they decided to throw away the cage into the river and the King was told that Princess Kali has given birth to a Pumpkin.

The Baby in the cage survived and grew up in a fisherman's home.As a young boy he was once riding  wooden horse by the riverside. The Same queens had come to the same place to fill in their  pitchers.The young boy insisted that his horse has to drink water,he broke their pitchers and upon being asked said "If a queen can give birth to a pumpkin, a wooden horse can drink water too"

When the King heard about the same he was able to join the dots and accepted the young boy as his son.Since the Iron cage was thrown in "Gori-Ganga" he came to be known as Gorilla or Gwalla.

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